AWD Fest Fall 2022

October 21-23, 2022

Join us for AWD Fest this year at Uwharrie National Forrest in Troy, NC. We are sponsoring this event along with the Ridgeline Store and HRG. We would love to meet you, drive some trails, and enjoy camping nearby Uwharrie National Forrest. 

Campsite will have limited facilities, so be prepared for dispersed camping. We will provide more camping details when details are solidified.

Schedule details will be finalized before the event, but a loose schedule is as follows:

Friday 10/21: Arrive late afternoon/evening to campsite, meet everyone and camp. Purchase National Forrest pass at general store.

Saturday 10/22: Trail driving in groups of varying skill/difficulty levels. Chance to win prizes!

Sunday 10/23: Final goodbyes and journey home.

If you are interested in joining us please sign up following the link below. If you sign up we will email you personally when we get camping details and a finalized event schedule.